Every child is an artist. The problem is how to remain an artist once we grow up. ~Pablo Picasso
I can still remember the first time I was able to color a picture and actually stay within the lines. I was maybe 4 or 5. It was early on a quiet Saturday morning and my family was still asleep. I proudly showed everyone as soon as they got up. It's amazing I still remember! My whole life I've been finding creative outlets for myself. The one thing I don't spend enough time doing is drawing and painting. I could be so much better. I've always doubted myself and my abilities when it comes to art but I've come to learn that even the best of artists doubt themselves- especially when venturing in what is new territory for them. We all need to develop our talents. I am so glad that I have a family who appreciates and supports me. Thanks, Dad, for being the first one to actually pay me for one of my oil paintings. :)
All art requires courage. ~Anne Tucker
I didn't know you painted and drew. That is really cool. Good for you.
Art and Music should always be our first drug of choice. I know it works for things that ail us, like depression and Altzheimers. I didn't know you painted either. Please post a picture of some of your artwork. That's awesome.
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