Sunday, June 28, 2009

More Paintings.....

I'm still painting. Not as often as I should.... I'm having fun though! My pictures are all different because I'm making myself try new things. Enjoy!!

Saturday, June 20, 2009

Oh My Goodness!

Jeepers! What have I got myself into!? Okay, I know what I got myself into but I'm a little nervous about it. See, I signed Alayna and I up for a half-marathon in October in Moab, Utah. We are going to join my sister and two of her daughters, her two daughters-in-law, and sister of one of the daughter-in-laws for the half-marathon. Before we moved to Tennessee I was running 4 miles four times a week and it was to the point of being fairly easy. But since the move to Tennessee, I've only run a few times. Yes, I'm out of shape and definitely have some extra pounds to prove it. It took me some time to register for the half-marathon because I knew if I did, I would have to commit myself to getting in shape. I want to be able to run all or most of the 13.1 miles. Yes, it will be good for me- and I really want to do the Music City half-marathon next April. And so the pain begins.......
Jogging is very beneficial. It's good for your legs and your feet. It's also very good for the ground. It makes it feel needed. ~Charles Schulz, Peanuts

Friday, June 12, 2009

I Love Fireflies!

Okay, maybe I don't "love" them- I really don't like any kind of bug but fireflies are so cool! Last summer was my first experience actually seeing fireflies. Growing up in the west, I guess I kind of thought fireflies were like a Disney invention. I was so excited to see them last summer for the first time! They're real!! Joel thought it was pretty funny when we were out on a walk and I actually got to see them for the first time twinkling in the yards. I was happy to see them again at the beginning of June this year! I do know they aren't really flies but beetles. It's funny to see our little dog trying to catch them. It is one of the things that I love about being here in Tennessee. Such a little thing- but they make me happy. Alayna and I really need to catch some and put them in a jar for Lukas!