The best of all gifts around any Christmas tree: the presence of a happy family all wrapped up in each other. ~Burton Hillis
I love this time of year! It brings back so many good holiday memories- doing Christmas drop and runs for needy families with my family when I was little, baking yummy goodies with Alayna for friends and neighbors, singing "Silent Night" as a family at the doors of neighbors, watching the excitement of Caleb and Alayna when they were little, etc. So many memories! And this year the cycle begins again as we get to enjoy everything through the eyes of a new little one. Life is good! I am so thankful for so many things! Merry Christmas!
The paintings are gorgeous. I may have to buy one. I love your Christmas decorations. It looks so festive. Thanks for all you do. You are a great example! I really enjoy serving with you.
Wonderful blog! I really enjoyed the picture and the great details in it. I found accidently, if I clicked on it, that I made it larger, which I really enjoyed, in looking around the room at your beautiful decorations. I have a few things up, but I lost 6 boxes of decorations in our 2 moves on a flat bed truck. Oh well. Starting over DOES have it's advantages. :)
Is that your house? It is so beautiful and cozy! I loved that post. It's good to remember all those good things even in troubled times.
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