I've been feeling a little nostalgic today. Just thinking about when Joel and I first started our life together. We were young, inexperienced with life (mostly me) but we knew what we had would work. We didn't have a lot going for us- no college education, no fantastic career, etc. But I realize that didn't matter. I had faith in Joel and myself even when others weren't so supportive. It seems not so long ago, and yet...here we are 30 years later. Has it gone the way we had dreamed it would? Not always. It hasn't always been easy and we've had some learning lessons we could have done without. But isn't that what this life is all about? Would I change some things? Yes. But I would never change who has been by my side on this journey. He has loved and taken care of me better than anyone could have. No one knows me like he does. He puts up with my quirks and understands that I'm kind of an introvert. I've told Joel that what I would like is to be sitting on a porch in the country in a rocking chair with him beside me....just soaking up life. I don't need anything else....just him and our family nearby. I guess as I've gotten older, my vision gets clearer as to what is really important to me. And so...the journey continues....
A porch in the country or a beach house by the ocean? I'm glad you and Dad picked each other too!!!
It is funny how life doesn't go how you planned, but it works out anyway. You two are great.
That was a great post. If the economy doesn't eventually turn around we may all be sitting on rocking chairs.... :)
Hey! It was great tot hear from you! I love your paintings, and your little grandson is ADORABLE! I cant believe how much he looks like Alayna!
I'm so glad I checked your blog. This is a great post, and echos a lot of what us "older" married folks believe and know - that it's all worth it, and it's a grand adventure and a wonderful rollercoaster ride. It's really a thrill to be married and a few ups and downs, but a great view (especially looking back!).
I love that I can know that life has it's way of making it all work and all you need is that special someone to stand beside you. You and Joel make it look easy! I am so glad to know that you've enjoyed your journey and I wish that your dream of those rocking chairs comes true!
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