Sunday, November 1, 2009

-I Survived!- it's been two weeks since I finished the Moab Utah Half-Marathon. Yep! I did survive! And yes, it was hard. I finished in 3 hours and 19 minutes. Not very fast- but under the limit. At least I did it! The whole 13.1 miles!

I was pretty psyched out about it I think. I only had about 3 hours of sleep the night before, was stressed and nauseous the morning of and to top it off, we were shuttled to the starting point which meant we rode the route in the van and so I was well aware of the awful hills from about mile 7 to 10. I'm sure the altitude difference made it a little harder. Yikes! I had my stopwatch with me so I was totally aware of the time and probably didn't push myself as much as I should have. But I did it! Every now and then, as I was moving along I would remember to look around at the beauty along the Colorado river. I've never been in that area before and it was beautiful in a totally different way!

Alayna finished in about 2 hours and 38 minutes. It was awesome to have her meet me the last half mile or so. For me to do a half-marathon is- as those of you who know me well- quite out of character for me. But I am so glad I did it and it was neat to do it with Alayna, my sister, Zonda, and her daughter-in-law, Tara. Would I do it again? Well....Alayna and I are planning on doing the Music City Half-Marathon here in Nashville next April. Anyone want to join us?????


Cami said...

Congrats!!!! That is something I have always wanted to do! We'll see, maybe I'll get enough courage one of these days :)

Nashville Stolle said...

Can I speed walk the half marathon? Congrats- that is a BIG deal! I admire that you did it!

Traylor Family said...

I was going to ask the same thing as Beth. If you can walk I'll go...and I"ll walk with Beth :)

Diana Sims said...

Whether you can walk depends on what or if there is a time limit. The Moab half-marathon limit was 3 1/2 hours which you almost had to jog some of it. But I think some people walk the Music City one. :)

Anonymous said...

Hey I would be interested in walking the Music City Marathon. That might be what I need to get my metabolism a kick start. Hrmm Leon and I might have to do this.
